Sunday, November 24, 2019


DeMolay does not tell us to worship any specific faith, but simply encourages us to be reverent people and realize the blessings from God. DeMolay in Brazil is a big deal. The Key Man pieces we've been posting have been great, but I wanted something a little more visual and exciting for today. Here at the PA DeMolay office we juggle many projects at once. As I looked at doing today's blog post, I knew I wanted something different. There are lots of young men and Advisors in Brazil who have the teachings of DeMolay in their heart; one such person is Bro. His last email was one of those situations. ritual do grau demolay e iniciatico

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Now, let's go through the descriptions for each entry on the chart:. There are thousands of members in that country alone and it rivals the size of DeMolay International.

One of the things we want to do is provide a short but concise history of Eemolay and its evolution here in the Keystone State.

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One such project is the upcoming online DAD Training program. While still in its infant stages, we are working diligently to pull together the resources necessary to do DAD and DAD Plus training programs through an electronic medium. On Monday, I gave you a preview of one of the organization charts we are using in the new online version of the DAD Training. The Key Man pieces we've been posting have been great, but I wanted something a little more visual and exciting for today.

Later, we continued to chat about history and other items. Today, I thought I'd give you a preview of that piece. His Mom is in Eastern Star.

Newer Posts Older Posts Home. Here at the PA DeMolay office we juggle many projects at once.

PA DeMolay News and Views: September

Monday, September 24, Where we've been This resource will appear as a part of the historical section in the online training, so check it out! DeMolay InternationalHistoryPennsylvania. I thought they were iniciarico worth sharing. I get about one email a month from him. One of the things I've been pulling together is an organization chart of DeMolay.

Monday, September 3, Happy Labor Day! It contains items from both the United States and Brazil. Why do we say a prayer before each meal? Of course, the family is actively working in the community and through a wonderful network of family and friends to raise money, but, P ennsylvania DeMolay wanted to help out too.

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This should give the newbies a good idea of how the youth lead our organization while giving veteran DeMolay folks a new way to look at things. We do not just do it because we have to, but because we want to give thanks for the food we are about to receive, as well as what we have and those who are surrounding us. Thankfully, I recently received an email that ensured I could do that! He and I first began communicating via email when he contacted me about some membership program questions.

We just put the finishing touches on the Adult Leader Organization Chart and I'm happy to share it with you today! I am sorry for the long post, but I need to share with all of you how the Masonic family in Pennsylvania is joining with Pennsylvania DeMolay to help raise money to pay for a liver transplant for one of our members.

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Key ManRitualSpecial Guest. I am so proud to be a Pennsylvania Freemason!

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Parker comes from an active Masonic Family. Monday, September 10, A Moment of Prayer.

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As I looked at doing today's grak post, I knew I wanted something different. F only definite treatment for PSC is a liver transplant and lifeling medication. DeMolay does not tell us to worship any specific faith, but simply encourages us to be reverent people and realize the blessings from God. Sometimes it's just about what is going on in Brazil DeMolay, but other times it might be of interest to a broader audience.

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